Saturday, June 30, 2007

Happy Birthday To Me

Yeah right.

Just another day in my life where I feel pretty much forgotten.

I talked to my father last night when we got home from Fort Lauderdale and he had already forgotten about it. I guess he sent a card some time last week (I only know this b/c he had to call and get my address) and that's fulfilled any obligation to recognize the day. Pretty typical of my Father.

My Mom called this morning and made no mention of it until I asked her if she remembered what day it was. This, after spending a LOT of time and money on her surprise 60th party 2 weeks ago.

Did I mention that my birthday is only 3 days after her's? As a Mother, I think that would be pretty hard to forget...but she did.

Kelly did cook me breakfast in bed, which was sweet, but nothing else is going on. He's napping and we still don't know what we're doing for dinner, but one thing is for damn sure...I'm not cooking.
It sucks that *I* have to plan my own birthday dinner. top it off, my lovely "friend" came today.

That would probably explain why I've been quite bitchy lately...and my excuse for today as well.

Hopefully the rest of my 34th year shapes up to be a little better than today.


L said...

Happy Birthday anyway. You deserve a night out on the town for this one!

I hope despite the setback, it's a good one for you.

andria said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Lori,
Happy Birthday to you.

Believe me, it's better written than sung by me.

It SUCKS to have your friend on your birthday. I so hate that.

Pretend I showed up and took you for an expensive meal and drinks and partying afterwards and the hubby had to come out after midnight to drive our drunken asses home.

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday, Lori!

Sorry about the unstellar response to your birthday. :( That so sucks!

I think you should go out and do something just for you, on your own. Anyway you can get a sitter for the kiddos??

If no one else is going to spoil you for your birthday, YOU may as well spoil YOURself.

Be a *little* selfish...that can be your birthday gift to you. :)

OneHungMan said...

OneHung has learned that birthdays are really for kids. Mrs. Hung's side of the family still tries to celebrate each and every one, usually resulting in a train wreck because the bottom line is...people just don't care about birthdays.

OneHung is perfectly content to sit home and watch the golf tournament by himself on his dinner, no get together; just some peace and quiet.

For what it's worth, Happy Birthday.

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday, Lori!

*Many Hugs*
